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PR Unprotected: 4,000 Cops on “Sick Leave”

Yesterday in the first shift from 4:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, 1,432 police officers were absent and on the 12:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.  shift nearly 1,417 did not report due to “illness”.

In the FURA agency 74 were absent, other precincts reported major absences such as Ponce with 116, Mayagüez with 158, Carolina 118, Caguas 131, Bayamón 124, and Aguadilla 92.

The greatest number of absences of agents reported by sick leaves in the past three weeks was reported yesterday, Sunday, after reaching 4,080 in the three work shifts.

The “Blue Flu” movement that began due to the non-payment of the extra hours worked during Hurricanes Irma and María has spread  to some agents of the municipal police of San Juan and Carolina departments which also begin to face a noticeable increase in absences due to “illness”.

Yesterday there was an armed robbery in a business on Loiza Street and there was no response whatsoever from neither the state nor the municipal police departments.